成功者の多くがもっている特質「Grit」とは何か? | Lifehacking.jp


Dweck 氏によると、子供から Grit を引き出すには「現在持っている能力」ではなく「これから獲得する能力」への確信を引き出すのがポイントなのだそうです。「君は成長できる」というマインドセットを与え続ければ、それまでの IQ テストの結果を裏切るような成績を引き出せます。ちょっと長いですが、大事な点なので引用しておきます。

The children were randomly assigned to two groups, both of which took an age-appropriate version of the IQ test. After taking the test, one group was praised for their intelligence ? “You must be smart at this,” the researcher said ? while the other group was praised for their effort and told they “must have worked really hard.”

子供たちをランダムに二つのグループにわけて年齢にあわせた IQ テストを与えます。そして片方のグループに対しては結果に対して「君たちはずいぶん頭がいいんだね」という褒め言葉を与えるのに対して、もう片方のグループには「よくがんばった」と褒めてあげます。

Dweck then gave the same fifth-graders another test. This test was designed to be extremely difficult ? it was an intelligence test for eighth-graders ? but Dweck wanted to see how they would respond to the challenge. The students who were initially praised for their effort worked hard at figuring out the puzzles. Kids praised for their smarts, on the other hand, quickly became discouraged.
